Vintage still life with old spectacles on desk set against books

Hey we just added “Perry’s Reading List to our website, you will see it under “Wilderness Training”

I learned to read at a young age and all my life I have enjoyed reading books. I rarely read any fiction, it’s usually history, religion, survival, survival stories, or some kind of science, also all sorts of books on preparedness.  When I read a book, one with a story, I let myself escape into it and I become part of the story. There is hardly a day that goes by that I don’t read  some book or another, or several. The cool thing to me is Kindle on my phone, if I am at the doctor’s office, or sitting waiting anywhere, I am commonly reading. A lot of times I get a Kindle version of a book first and if I really like it I’ll buy a hard copy. What I like to do is to read a book and then go try out the skills or knowledge I have read about, it’s a fun way to learn.

From my Bookshelf here are a few favorites

Outdoor Survival Skills

  • Larry Dean Olson
  • Possibly the first survival skills book I ever read. Larry writes from a great deal of actual experience in learning himself and in training others. He takes you back to starting with nothing and making it all from there. Foraging for food, primitive hunting skills. Everyone should read this book.


Island of the Lost: Shipwrecked at the end of the world

  • Joan Druett
  • What these guys went through is incredible, possibly the best survival story I have ever read!! A bonus is that the book also tells a companion survival story on the same island at virtually the same time with vastly different results. The combination of these two stories demonstrates how vastly different an outcome can be in the same type of circumstances. This book is invaluable to anyone interested in learning to survive. Not so much the details of how to start a fire per se, but the more important thing, the mental how to.


  • Richard Graves
  • Serious guide to survival, many concepts not generally taught elsewhere. Book favors survival in the southern hemisphere. Cooking ideas you’ve never heard before. Dangerous trap set ups

Sufferings in Africa

  • Captain James Riley
  • Story of shipwreck of North Africa coast, slavery and rescue, era about 1815. The things Capt Riley went through are unbelievable, it is hard to imagine a person could go through all that he did.

98.6 The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive

  • Cody Lundin
  • Excellent guide on how to keep your body’s core temperature on track. Survival taught here is all about core temperature. Cody details much of how the body works and how to use this to your advantage. All the other so called survival stuff is worthless if core temp cannot be maintained.


  • Mors Kochanski
  • Mors was asked to do a book on survival in the Northern Boreal Forests of Canada that would be like Richard Graves book of the same name. Mors does just that. He is meticulous in his detail of just how to do things and teaching what is truly important and what is not. If you read any survival book at all, you must read this one, it is essential.

OK someone stop me please!! I love so many of the books on the list that soon I will just have them all listed here in this blog, haha. Anyway please check out the list and see what books you may like, click the link and in most cases it takes you to Amazon for more info or to get your own copy. I will add books to the bottom of the list as I complete them, so check back every so often.

Go to Perry’s Bookshelf here

Until next time, I’ll be reading more books, this is Perry Peacock for “Simplifying Survival”

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