Everyone has been asking us for the past year if we are going do the PSS and PST in MultiCam, well we finally decided to go for it. We did a brief introduction at a recent show, and promptly sold out of everything we had, we’ve been making inventory since then and are now going to put it officially for sale. The camo pattern is great for just kicking around or hunting. The fabric is fantastic and top quality, very sturdy, yet reasonably light. We use the Ripstop for the PSS and PST, and the Cordura 1000d for all the bags and the FSK. If you are a fan of Multicam you already know about it, regardless here’s a little info.
MultiCam was developed by Crye Precision for the purpose of making a camo that is more suited for all kinds of climates, terrain and conditions. The process was very intensive, involving checking out factors all over the world, looking at how light affects it, and how the brain works to process images. Eventually they started putting all these things together and came up with a complex image involving over 100 layers. It has been tested successfully since then all over the world.
According to Crye the objective for “the MultiCam® pattern was developed as an experiment to determine whether a single camouflage pattern could be effective in limiting the visual and near-IR signature of a person across a wider range of environments and seasons…. we decided good camouflage for where you are might be better than perfect camouflage for somewhere else.”
Several of the Key Points with MultiCam are:
- Takes on the Shades of the Surrounding Environment. We noticed when we got some fabric to start testing that when we used green trims the fabric looked more green and when we used tan or brown trims, the fabric took on those colors. It also tends to adapt well to varying lighting scenes.
- Disguises Volume and Shape. Crye did a lot of research into the way the eye sees things and how the brain processes these images. The brain fills in lots of details not necessarily discerned by the eye. Taking advantage of these factors helped them produce a design that is able to blend into most surroundings. MultiCam tricks the brain into making the camo pattern seem like it is naturally part of the surroundings.
And even though an object may be seen, it becomes somewhat indistinguishable and uninteresting to the observer and so it is not noticed readily.
- Balances Scale and Contrast. Many patterns work well at a distance, MultiCam also works well close up, incredibly well in fact. Crye accomplished this by using more of a blending effect than the contrast used in many other camo patterns. The art of camouflage is mostly the ability to break up the look of persons or objects and to blur the outlines to make it less distinguishable. One of the significant problems is many times what works well at at distance is terribly obvious closer up. MultiCam uses smaller, low contrast, blended elements to vastly expand its effective range.
We will also have some additional products featuring the wonderful MultiCam pattern, so keep watching for more announcements.
Until next time this is Perry Peacock, for Wilderness Innovation, “Simplifying Survival”
Note: Bottom 4 pictures are courtesy of Crye Precision LLC