The Comfort Level adds a degree of comfort to Core and Efficiency
- Kind of like a Swiss Family Robinson effect on your situation
- Greatly improve your sleep, eating, and health
- Makes possible long term survival if needed
- At this level you truly make the most of every situation
- Much of the Comfort level, involves preparedness gear
Gear in this level can be extensive, but tailor to your needs, a few examples:
- Ax – In the long run it’s hard to beat for chopping, splitting and hammering
- Sleeping system
- Water purification
- Cook Stove
- Sheltering systems
- Hunting systems
- Protection systems
The Comfort level is not to the extent of sleeping in a five star hotel, the comfort we talk of here is a relative term, it is comfort compared to what might be experienced at the Core Level. Instead of boiling all water and waiting for it to cool, it is simply filtered. A fire is not always burning for cooking or water purification. In the cold a fire is great, but in the heat, having a fire just adds to the discomfort. A stove is very effective at cooking and is quick start to finish. Additional first aid items, such as gauze, slings, pain killers, antibiotics, itch relievers, and such bring about an easing of stress and pain. Some may look on the Comfort level as unnecessary and indeed it may be in the short term or mild conditions, but the point is that we are not generally able to choose what conditions we may face. If you are not prepared to this level, you are in effect taking a chance, a gamble on what you may face if things turn sour. You also guarantee a tougher experience and perhaps a deadlier one as well. The Comfort level brings to you a bit of relief, a better sleep, a healthier body, a less strenuous effort, and the consolation of knowing you are well prepared.
See our complete Survival Levels Explanation here.